Thursday, February 11, 2010


I've now been in Rwanda for five days, though it feels like a lot longer! We have now moved into our homestays and settled into our schedule and classes. I am taking a class on Post Conflict Transformation, National and Ethnic Identity, Field Study and then my Independent Study which will be for the last month. I moved in with my host family the day before yesterday. The family consists of a mom, dad, six kids and the grandparents and an uncle that lives with them, so it is a busy household! The first night was difficult because there is SOO much to adjust to and it's hard to know what you're supposed to do, how things work, etc, especially because a lot of the family doesn't speak english. Most people here speak Kinyerwanda and French, but i've been finding more and more people who speak english. And, i've had a lot of opportunities to practice my Kinyerwanda! I guess foreigners don't generally know the language, so the people here LOVE IT when we try to speak Kinyerwanda (and they enjoy laughing at our attempts!) I have to go catch the bus because it's getting dark, but I promise a long post soon!!


Unknown said...

Hi Frees,
I can image what that must be like, so many people in probably a small space and hardly a way to communicate. I'd like to hear you speak Kinyerwanda!! Enjoy your classes.
Love Sippy

Adrie Roosdorp said...

Hallo Freesia,
It is nice reading about your live there.
It must be hard living with such a lot of people when you are not used to that.
Whe still have snow here!
love from all of us, Adrie

Unknown said...

Wow that sounds amazing! Homestays can be a crazy experience and it helps alot if you speak the language. It sounds like your having a great time other than the minor difficulties. I'll be in Africa in the next week and we can trade stories. Have fun!
Mat L.

Unknown said...

frees! i love your optimism and sense of adventure :) glad to hear things are working out so far! looking forward to your tales (despite your storytelling capabilities . . . . hehe, just kidding!)

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